Talk Time

What is 21 Plus Talk Time?

Talk Time

Talk Time is a speech, language and communication group for children with Down’s syndrome. It is run by our expert “Symbol” trained co-workers, who provide a very specialist speech and language session tailored to the learning profile of a child with Down’s syndrome. Sessions run on a weekly basis throughout term time for children aged 6 months to 11 years.

How does the group work?

Children with Down’s syndrome have a specific Speech and Language disorder, so early intervention is crucial. Children initially attend sessions with their parents. As the children start nursery/reception Teaching Assistants from schools also attend and learn these valuable early years skills, so that they can replicate the appropriate support in school. Some of our older children join sessions online from school with their Teaching Assistant. Sessions target a number of key skills including signing, sound production, target vocabulary, reading and sequencing.

What our families have said …

We have been attending Talk Time since Efa was six months old. The support of 21 Plus, and Talk Time specifically has been invaluable to us. Participating in the weekly sessions has meant that Efa, who’s now 5, started school with a whole range of skills and because we attended with her it’s given us the knowledge and experience to also practice these skills at home

21 Plus has been a lifeline to our family when we felt we didn’t belong anywhere. All of their services have been of benefit to us and the team supporting our son. “Talk Time” was so important in getting our son ‘school ready’. Being a parent of a child with special needs can be a lonely path but 21 Plus means I know there are others walking that path with me, sharing my challenges and celebrating successes. They provide somewhere where my son isn’t different.

Talk Time is a vital, weekly opportunity for our son to develop his speech and language skills under the expert guidance of the 21 Plus team. Our son usually attends weekly sessions along with his one-to-one support from his school. The sessions provide weekly training and targets for the teaching assistant as well as our son. During the pandemic, 21 plus have continued to provide these sessions remotely using MS Teams. Our son has also had the chance to meet up with his peers online. It is very important that our son is able to maintain and nurture his friendships with other children within the 21 plus group.  

Talk Time - Babies

How do I sign up?

Please contact:

Nicky or Victoria